Saturday, June 20, 2009


Another rainy day here - rain, rain go away....

You can preview Regina Spektor's soon to be released album here.

Also worth listening to is Moby's new release here. I love NPR.

Have a great Sunday.


Irene said...

I think it's a shame that you put those purple squares there, but that's just my personal opinion. A matter of taste, I guess. Who knows what moves an artist to do the things he does? There may be deep meaning in a gesture that is very personal and not obvious to the audience without explanation.

So, what I mean to say is that putting those squares there may have meaning for you, but I don't like them.


Mick said...

Whoa! Regina is amazing!

shayndel said...

Happy belated Sunday.
You might have a BlueBerry there you know, it takes some fabulous blues.

It's late so I will listen to the music on my next visit. Here is my stop...