Here are details of a sample I am working on involving a tobacco box Madonna and Child shrine created by Cory of Art with Moxie. Cory is a painter and she makes beautiful jewelry. She has created a heartfelt shrine to honor her son and granddaughter, Mitch and Nicole.
Cory's shrine and others are being auctioned at Recuerda Mi Corazon to benefit the street children of Oaxaca.
Thank you, Cory, for allowing me to sample your art. My sincerest sympathy for your loss.
Beautiful images here John, well suited for this thoughtful message. Cory is indeed a wonderful artist and I am very sad for her loss.
Many beautiful shrines for a wonderful cause, thank you for the link.
serene and calming. fitting. lovely.
there is something over here for you.
come and get it!
Beautiful hopeful blues.
wonderful images John!!
the blues work beautifully with the greens...
I'm jealous...
your rubies....just breathtaking!!!
have been off line of late ...personal issues and a "long story" rut :(
I see Bartlett's in the bottom image.
Thank you John and to the other thoughtful people who's comments carry me through these trying times.
Thank you for using my art to produce even more eye candy for the world to enjoy.
Love what you are doing with it.
These are great! like a starry, starry night...the milky way and a summery breeze. Well, here atleast!
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