That really looks like a February image, Very elegant, John. I wish all the February's looked like that. So stately and austere, yet with a soft covering of snow. You've captured the month in the best possible way.
This one reminds me of watching someone throwing shadow puppets on a wall ... from the unique perspective of being behind the projector so you can see the hands as well as the shadows! Huh!???
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That really looks like a February image, Very elegant, John. I wish all the February's looked like that. So stately and austere, yet with a soft covering of snow. You've captured the month in the best possible way.
A soft and elegant piece, just on time for valentines! Hope you had a great day!
This could be nature's flag.
Beautifully done.
This one reminds me of watching someone throwing shadow puppets on a wall ... from the unique perspective of being behind the projector so you can see the hands as well as the shadows! Huh!???
this is wild. so
also notice the 14th - very appropriate -
The air that I'd like to breath. Cool and crisp, not a grain of pollen.
Intriguing simplicity, grows on me the more I look at it.
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