Installed PhotoShop 7 today. Lost for now - new layer each paste.
Two soccer practices and one game - oldest team lost 1-2. Two games tomorrow. Younger kids end their spring league next weekend.
My favorite sports are tennis, baseball and soccer. Of the three I was pretty decent at tennis. I got into soccer with my children. It is about individual and team execution more than about a high score.
A perfect cross, a pass across the front of the goal box, is a thing of true beauty.
Cherry blossoms fall.
What a nice surprise! Sometimes it feels good to take a break and experience snippets of life.
Great action photo and wonderful capture of delicate pink petals through the chainlink.
Think 'no fear' with PS, I know you can do it.
Have a great day and "Happy Mother's Day" to Marie.
I wasn't expecting un-manipulated photos! Nice to see different side to you. I think you may be warming to us:)
Yes, Mothers day here today..got my mum a bottle of wine and I got burnt toast and a lovely vase from my kids. It's star shaped because apparently I am a star:) awwwwww arn't they sweet?
i suggest lynda.com for photoshop instruction or most books by peachpit press
if you can master mspaint, you can figure out photoshop
~sue okieffe
*faith, not fear*
Don't ask me anything, I am deaf blind and dumb when it comes to Photoshop. I am a babe in the proverbial woods, even at my age.
I like to see your son in action. It's been a long while since my kids were that age. My son did not like playing soccer. He was not very big on sports. he was a fisherman. Shark, if he could catch them. Salmon later in his life.
My daughter still hasn't called me for mother's day, so I guess I am writing her out of the will.
child playing and cherry blossom, what could be lovelier?
I think child is lovelier - angle and turn of little concentrated person. thanks.
our cherries are losing blossom too. looks pretty on the ground but sad it has passed so fast. Time time time.
My daughter Eleanor also likes football and is in the local girl's team. Liked seeing these pictures.
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