Monday, January 11, 2010

Penn pan.


Mick said...

I can't help but feel - and I've had this feeling a long time now - that you are, one day, going to mark out and define a new wave of documentary photography. More and more often the ebb and flow of your daily work hits the nail on the head.

layers said...

always love to stop by and see what hustle bustle images you have-- which bring back my happy memories of my visits to new york city.
have to smile at my goof which also shows my ignorance of birds-- a few posts back you posted your new image titled black waxwings-- although you had a typo waxwigs-- so I left a comment in which I called the birds waxwigs-- :-)

layers said...

p.s. if you haven't already found him, I think you would like Ken Flett at

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

Mick hit the nail on the head.