A wet firm snow last night that stuck to limbs making the front and backyard look like a temporary winter wonderland.
That is our house and van. We also have an all wheel drive Subaru that is a mechanical snow dog.
I enjoy photographing up into our dogwood.
The picture below looks at the sun room where my computer lives and breathes...
I have a pocket Nikon camera, nothing fancy. Would like to have a better camera someday, maybe a high end SLR Cannon, double maybe.
Love,love love these pics.
It's the person behind the pocket Nikon that has the talent.
These are wonderful images of snow filled dogwood branches. I also love dogwoods too especially in the spring. Never realized how many varieties there are.
Your home looks wintry and magical. I miss these scenes.
Thank you for sharing.
You have the perfect house for a setting like this, although I think it must look equally lovely in the summertime. How wonderful that you have such good trees. They are the best to have in any garden.
Thanks for allowing us this glimpse into your life.
I love these photos. Your trees are wonderful John, the snow, the house everything here is picture perfect:) I love this real slice of your world. Just awesome.
Impressive how those last few leaves are holdling on despite the weight of the snow and the coldness. I am sure birds and snakes gathered the rest for the nests.
You've been hiding this un-photo shopped talent!
More please.....
I echo the comments above! A treat to see glimpses from your 'photograhphic' eye. It's like stepping into another world on your site.
Wonderous white.
I agree with Irene.
It does look like a winter wonderland. I love the way the branches have almost been painted with snow by a precise hand.
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