Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Studies....I am enjoying exploring with my Blackberry, but the color saturation is poor. I have little time lately to visit, create, etc.

My best.


among found objects said...

ahhhh shower curtain rings.

Anonymous said...

I missed you, I came, I reluctantly left...

Worst case scenario on computer is being computer-less for another 3-4 weeks. A cruel and unusual form of torture..

Its just occured to me that I may not need to sign in to comment- duh!

jgy said...

I like the metaphysics of it and the glimpse into an unknown formula. It looks like time. Without time.

(hi alexis)

take care,

Mick said...

I can commiserate with you as regards little time. Even so, the quick study is often a good release for a head filled with imagery from a new source.