Monday, March 17, 2008

I have started another little blog - one where I might just place images - old or new that will exist with titles and no commentary. A place to play and explore - recycled.lint.

Sometimes an image gets saved as I continue to work and then it gets lost and forgotten. Sometimes I just want to post it and see how the work plays. Like a politician kissing babies, or a bank passing out sub prime loans. Or just having some fun.

Please come by this basement if you are curious or need a haven where to play your old 45's. Or, if you need to do some laundry. Sometimes it is just nice to watch the clothes in the drier tumble. They almost float like angels when dry. Then you get to roll up the lint into a small ball and toss it. Some lint is red, some light blue and some an ugly grey. Silly putty for the poor.

I have a horrid cold today, but I do see the light at the end of the mucus. Yuk.


The Artful Eye said...

When I first saw this image I thought man this guy is really feeling crappy, until I took a closer look and realized it was a giant wad of lint extruding itself from a vent.

My next thought was that I hope this isn't your lint trap because your day is about ready to go from bad to worse if this catches fire.

*kidding of course* I'm sure your lint traps are sparkly clean.

I hope your mucus trap gets unplugged and you get better real soon. You are missed,though I see you've been piddling here and there.

Best to you.

Unknown said...

hmmm are you venting, then?

dianeclancy said...

Hi John,

Feel better and clean out that vent!

~ Diane Clancy

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

Will come and visit:)