Thursday, July 10, 2008


Sampled to the point of little re.cog.nit.ion. Calm, dry and faded under a bright July sun.

I have not used the spray paint feature in Paint for a couple of months, it was employed here.


Bobbie said...

Spray away! I like this color combination and the way you laid out the colors. Nice!

lebanesa said...

love those distressed faded summery colours of old peeling paint.

Irene said...

Oh, I think this is so wonderful. It makes me think of cave art in Australia that has been sand blasted almost into oblivion. It has just the right sort of fadedness to make you want to lift it out of its obscurity. You can come and hang this on my wall in a very large form any day. Sometimes you do everything just right. Well, often you do.

Kim said...

lovely !!
very subtle hues and application...
I love spray paint...I remember going berserk with it in my teens and spraying everything gold :)