And what about a picture of Mr Mora himself. We've all put out pictures of ourselves even though some of us really don't like having our picture taken.
This is a lovely picture, capturing a fleeting moment in a lovely day of ephemeral childhood on the beach. Alex passing by.
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The answer may be blowing in the wind but the gusts of love will always remain...awashed with Alex's smile.
I LOVE this picture!!!
Spee.dy Gon.zalessa
The elusive Alex. He remains a mystery. Do you really have such a son or only a child forever caught in motion?
LOL Irene
And what about a picture of Mr Mora himself. We've all put out pictures of ourselves even though some of us really don't like having our picture taken.
This is a lovely picture, capturing a fleeting moment in a lovely day of ephemeral childhood on the beach. Alex passing by.
Alex running so fast he's kickin' up a sandstorm.
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