Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I know that this blog is like vanity press, but sometimes once does get a surprise from left field - a French left field in our creative international community.

I have been given the "Arte y Pico" award by a very strong art blog than found me by way of a Kim's far reaching laketrees blog. Please visit the "The Zen-Images Ikebana Blog (Where West Meets East)." I am adding them to my links list. The art there is inspiring - calm studio photographs of serene Japanese inspired arrangements.

From Zen-Images I understand that ""bloggers at Arte y Pico...created the Arte y Pico Award to honor artists who create, design, and inspire regardless of language or culture. It's an international award for a global community of artist-bloggers, acknowledging that what we create helps make the world a finer place."

Thank you. I am honored.

Here are the rules for the Arte y Pico Award:

1) Award five blogs that contribute to the blogging community through creativity, design, and interesting material, regardless of language.

2) Name each of the five blog authors and provide a link to his or her blog.

3) Award recipients must show the Arte y Pico Award image and the name of the award-giving blog author, as well as the award-giving blog author's blog link.

4) Award recipients must provide a link to the Arte y Pico blog.

5) Award recipients must show these rules and also bail out the American economy (sorry)..

My five deep pocket choices for the Arte y Pico Award are:

Andrea, on a well deserved vacation.

Kim, whose portraits glow and whose blog unites so many artists.

Lisa, who makes nests of wonder.

Debi, who photographs snakes, weed, bugs and life.

Sue, a generous wo.man's weaving mandala wonder.

There are others, everyone should send money to Washington, please.


Kim said...

ha ha John..
will send vouchers..
thanks so much for this award and the glowing words :) :)

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

Thankyou John, you're too kind:) I shall proudly display it on my blog mantelpiece soon:)

lebanesa said...

Well done you and I second your choices for the award.
Yay all of you