Look at the steeley textures, and then the steeley textures in your post of the storm. There's something very formal and sculptural in the photo and the next two posts, I think you're onto something, and your blackberry is cheering you on. I'm with the phone on that one.
And to change the screen, 3 cheers for show-wa's:)
(you know this is just a set up for a steeley-dan interlude)
This website contains copyrighted material including but not limited to text, graphics, and photographs. The entire contents of this website (except Lyrics and photographs attributed to others ) are copyrighted as a "collected work" under the United States copyright laws. Permission to modify the altered images or photographs or to use any image for commercial purpose must be negotiated with me in advance. Thank you.
Look at the steeley textures, and then the steeley textures in your post of the storm.
There's something very formal and sculptural in the photo and the next two posts, I think you're onto something, and your blackberry is cheering you on.
I'm with the phone on that one.
And to change the screen,
3 cheers for show-wa's:)
(you know this is just a set up for a steeley-dan interlude)
You can take pictures with blackberries? Wow, wonder what you can do with chicken soup....hmmmmmm
I love photographs like this. I wonder how soon it will live again in one of your amazing transformations?
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