and photo.electronic.quilts - more or less
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Soon May. I love May - birds migrate north, lilacs bloom and maple and hosta leaves are all are fresh. Warmth then sundresses.
Sorry to see the daffodil and cherry blooms wain.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Two pictures taken this evening on 5th Av. platform. I have not done any BBs in over a week, close to two. Joe, Marie's father, passed away two weeks ago. In the meantime I also moved office building and am gettin accustomed to new sorroundings. I am finally getting better from whooping cough - I am still a bit tired and need to get out and exercise more. Kid soccer also keeping me busy.
I love soccer and canot wait for the World cup this summer.
So art, slowly.
I miss our interaction and your inspiration. Thanks for coming by.
Here is my son Greg playing Hendrix influenced "Hey Joe' with his friend. This is his first video.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Penn, morning and evening this week.
Friday, April 9, 2010
BBs - evening commutes this week.
Went to MoMA yesterday and saw the preview of the Cartier-Bresson exhibit. Wonderful large selection of small prints. So many that we had a visual overload and will need to return next week. All B&W images.
While I was ill I saw a kind hearted movie on BlueRay - "Taking Woodstock." There was a peaceful scene in the movie where uin the background on a hill above the farm where Ravi Shankar played on stage. This led me to investigate sitar music again, an instrument that years ago I found extremely grating. Less famous than Ravi is Nikhil Banerjee, a quiet master who hated to be recorded and who died in 1986. If you have an open mind listen tothis. There is a wonderful selection of of his taped live concerts available.
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