I like both of them very much, having something deep and alluring to them and fitting in the series of images you are making lately, yet just a bit different, a little bit of a shift to something more solid.
It seems you are making these in a magic chamber all by yourself and no one may enter while you work on them.You have a magic wand that moves across the 'canvas'. Are you a wizard in the summertime, John?
We did pretty well this year too, with our nineteen gold medals, and are punching well above our weight. The Games will be in London next, we won't have the money so it won't be as impressive a setting, but hopefully will be quirky and original.
Quite liked the closing ceremony when the red bus cut through the brilliant (if a little too perfect, regimented, communist (?))spectacle and there was Jimmy Page. But why was he singing with Leona Lewis? As I say, I don't think our staging will be as polished but it will be interesting lol
I liked the cycling. The go very slowly when they start off which caused great hilarity in this household ('snail racing') but apparently it is all to do with tactics lol
This website contains copyrighted material including but not limited to text, graphics, and photographs. The entire contents of this website (except Lyrics and photographs attributed to others ) are copyrighted as a "collected work" under the United States copyright laws. Permission to modify the altered images or photographs or to use any image for commercial purpose must be negotiated with me in advance. Thank you.
"deep.pool" like a photo mosaic interestingly framed with negative- like imagery. "hurdles" textural and with movement like an image frame.
I like both of them very much, having something deep and alluring to them and fitting in the series of images you are making lately, yet just a bit different, a little bit of a shift to something more solid.
It seems you are making these in a magic chamber all by yourself and no one may enter while you work on them.You have a magic wand that moves across the 'canvas'. Are you a wizard in the summertime, John?
hi John
I can see a 'pool' border in hurdles...
congratulations to the soccer team...
the medal tally is looking good for the US...
and OZ ;)
If they were to hold digital olympics I'm sure you'd win a gold or 2 yourself:)
Hope to see you back on the field again soon:)
LOL Lisa
We did pretty well this year too, with our nineteen gold medals, and are punching well above our weight.
The Games will be in London next, we won't have the money so it won't be as impressive a setting, but hopefully will be quirky and original.
Quite liked the closing ceremony when the red bus cut through the brilliant (if a little too perfect, regimented, communist (?))spectacle and there was Jimmy Page. But why was he singing with Leona Lewis? As I say, I don't think our staging will be as polished but it will be interesting lol
I liked the cycling. The go very slowly when they start off which caused great hilarity in this household ('snail racing') but apparently it is all to do with tactics lol
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