Saturday, July 30, 2011

Last Sunday at Long Island beach towards sunset - green headed flies attacked me and I turned back. Marie and the kids walked to the beach and saw a large flock of black skimmers. This is Greg who is 15 and who is now taller than me.

You know when you get bit by a green headed fly. Intense second of pain.

I have a new BB and continue to take pics in Penn station and on the subways. Larger file size, better colors but an odd shutter that is not instantaneous. Very loud click also.....

All my best.


Irene said...

Just how tall is Greg?

Leslie Avon Miller said...

Hey, you are back! Good to see you!

John M. Mora said...

Greg is 6 feet 1 inch or two...

Fot hjose who visit, I mostly post now in my Penn Light and subway BB photo blogs.

shayndel said...

Warm blues!