So, it is clear now that the Easter bunny has a day job, but does that mean the eco.no.my is getting better or worse?

Outside my window is a tree.

Back to Japan - the same tulip and Tokyo finds. Happy Easter, if you celebrate it.
Easter bunnies are a bit dubious. Don't know why, it's just a feeling.
Maybe they scare me.
The red in that bottom pic is wonderful, I'd like to have hair of that color.
Happy Easter.
There's clarity in the blurry-ness,
and ephemeral in the clarity.
Layers in Nature and man-made finds.
A Regal mixing.
Just hung up a group show today and we are doing 'combined works' where we add to each others work or do an interpretation of the others, etc.
One thing I put in was the 'Playing pieces' print, and whenI see this, I feel like it is part of the show in spirit in a lovely virtual way.
Grateful for all the connections.
Happy Easter.
(PS, looking close up)
Divine light.
In the spirit of the day.
You've struck a raw nerve I'm afraid. It's quite obvious that Mssr. Easter Bunny has recently been escorted from his hutch by security! :O
no time for pity, for the tree or me.
There is a World of Pain, in the pouring rain...
I bake hot cross buns on Friday and buy easter eggs for Sunday, but nowadays that is as far as it goes. Complete Lap.song.
Listening to "The Voice"- Moody Blues
"each and every heart it seems is bounded by a world of dreams"
"once.scattered" now found, like colored eggs and chocolate. Yum.
Happy Easter to you and yours.
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